OH Bird Recorder
The date has been set for the 2017 Curracag AGM
Wednesday 8 February 2017
Dark Island Hotel, Liniclate, Benbecula
The AGM will be an opportunity for members (new and old) to learn about the plans for the future and participate in the discussion. If you have any items/issues that you would like to see discussed at the meeting please email Chris Johnson the Curracag Chair: chair@curracag.org.uk to have it added to the agenda.
New and lapsed members are equally welcome to come along and join/renew on the evening. If you are a current member and have not yet changed your standing order to cover the full amount of the new membership fee you can also come along and pay the top-up amount.
Please come along and help us make the islands' natural history thrive.
Hope to see you there!
All best regards
Yvonne Benting
Curracag Membership Secretary
Wednesday 8 February 2017
Dark Island Hotel, Liniclate, Benbecula
The AGM will be an opportunity for members (new and old) to learn about the plans for the future and participate in the discussion. If you have any items/issues that you would like to see discussed at the meeting please email Chris Johnson the Curracag Chair: chair@curracag.org.uk to have it added to the agenda.
New and lapsed members are equally welcome to come along and join/renew on the evening. If you are a current member and have not yet changed your standing order to cover the full amount of the new membership fee you can also come along and pay the top-up amount.
Please come along and help us make the islands' natural history thrive.
Hope to see you there!
All best regards
Yvonne Benting
Curracag Membership Secretary