Eyes and Ears Everywhere
Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 25th February 2023. Updated throughout the day
Loch Stiapabhat, Isle of Lewis
The drake *Green-winged Teal* was there again this afternoon. 4 *European White-fronted Geese* were nearby at Fivepenny
Loch an Tiumpan, Isle of Lewis
The drake *Ring-necked Duck* was seen there again today
Loch Branahuie, Isle of Lewis
A juvenile Glaucous Gull was there today
Sound of Taransay, Isle of Harris
A drake Surf Scoter was seen there early afternoon
Leverbrugh, Isle of Harris
An adult Glaucous Gull was in the harbour area late afternoon and a juvenile was to the south in the Sound of Harris
Howmore, South Uist
An immature Glaucous Gull was on the beach this morning
Loch Stiapabhat, Isle of Lewis
The drake *Green-winged Teal* was there again this afternoon. 4 *European White-fronted Geese* were nearby at Fivepenny
Loch an Tiumpan, Isle of Lewis
The drake *Ring-necked Duck* was seen there again today
Loch Branahuie, Isle of Lewis
A juvenile Glaucous Gull was there today
Sound of Taransay, Isle of Harris
A drake Surf Scoter was seen there early afternoon
Leverbrugh, Isle of Harris
An adult Glaucous Gull was in the harbour area late afternoon and a juvenile was to the south in the Sound of Harris
Howmore, South Uist
An immature Glaucous Gull was on the beach this morning